Mother of Ester Debora Kusumawardhani Panjaitan

I’d like to nominate my parents, especially my mother for her fully support to me and my husband.

My husband and I are both teaching in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. The confusion started after I gave birth. When my maternity leave was about to end, we were so confused on who is going to take care of our baby. We searched for information about nannies and day cares but none of the results were satisfied us. The worries getting stronger when we heard about unlucky babies who got injured by the nannies or who were not taking care properly by the day care. I was thinking to ask my mother but I wasn’t sure because she needs to take care of my dad who is also sick.

My dad was having stroke few years ago. He’s getting better now but still needs to have monthly check up every month. Thus, my mother always assists him. But I have no one else that I can trust. I was thinking to resign but I had promised my boss that I wouldn’t resign after giving birth; and I’d like to keep my promise. So, I asked my mother if she’s willing to stay with us to look after the baby. She agreed to stay with us during the weekdays and would come home every weekend.

Unfortunately something came up. My father was having a heart attack and should be hospitalized. After my dad came back from the hospital, we decided to have my dad to stay with us as well. In that way, my mom can still look after my baby and my dad.

Something that I never thought of before, my dad is very happy because he can be with his granddaughter. He’s now getting better and better. He smiles a lot and started to talk.
So, I’d like to thank my mom for her fully support. I can work with no worries about my baby and my dad. I’d like to thank her not only for her support in taking care of my baby but in everything. I love you, mom! 

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