Raditya Abimanyu

Colleagues know him for his helpful attitude. He help us spontaneously and initiatively.

Graduated from BINUS University, and during his years in BINUS, He has learnt about good character and a lot of IT related matter. This skill comes in handy for him to help his colleagues in BINUS School Serpong, particularly in 4th Floor EL Teachers room. In BINUS School Serpong campus, He willingly help students, parents, staff, and outsource employees.

Some of things that He has helped out are:

* Helped a teacher who forget to bring his BINUSIAN ID to pass through our boom gate (entrance gate).
* Helped student to carry some of their art/science project upstairs when their hands were full.
* Helped his CO’s driver to pass through the magnetic door so he can put her belongings inside her office.
* Helped when papers jammed in printer machine.
* Helped colleagues to operate the laminating machine
* Shared his opinion and expertise for assessment materials made by my colleagues.
* Helped my colleagues for any IT related (easy) troubleshooting.
* Willingly take any duplicated materials from copy center on his way back to 4th floor teacher room.
* Changed the bottle for the water dispenser frequently.
* Bought a mobile phone charger with extra ports for his colleagues to use.
* Held the door for someone behind him, or allowed other person to pass through the door first
* Helped some of his students that were slow-paced to understand more on particular topic
* Paid for his students drink if they didn’t bring their flazzcard
* Shared his Masteral Degree text books with scholarship granted teachers (Ms. Agnes & Ms. Hannah) and gave them his insights regarding the lecture.

Those are some of his actions that reflect how helpful he is in BINUS School Serpong, particularly in ECY/EL Department.

Beliau merelakan lebih banyak waktunya untuk membantu kami teman-teman BI atau yang ada di ruang guru.
  1. sesibuk apapun dari tugas2 beliau, beliau selalu mau membantu dengan sikap yang ramah dan sopan.
  2. Beliau adalah sosok guru yang multi talenta, sehingga sesulit apapun permintaan bantuan dari kami, pasti ia dapat menyelesaikannya.
  3. tidak hanya bantuan yang besar mau pun kecil, beliau juga suka memberi semangat/positive thinking jika kita membutuhkan/mengeluh didepannya.
  4. Beliau sosok yang kreatif, shingga seringkali dimintai pendapatnya jika kita membutuhkannya.
  5. belum pernah saya mendengar sekalipun penolakan untuk membantu dari kami dari mulut beliau. Beliau akan dengan sukarela meluangkan waktunya untuk membantu kami yang membutuhkan.
  6. beliau pernah berkata bahwa dengan dirinya banyak memberi bantuan kepada siapapun, maka insyaallah nantinya bantuan akan datang kembali kepadanya dan keluarganya. semuanya akan dimudahkan untuk keluarga dan anak-anaknya. sungguh sangat menginspirasi hal ini buat kami semua.
Doa kami semua semoga Bapak Raditya Abimanyu bisa terpilih menjadi juaranya. Amin 
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