Rininta Ayu Pradhani

I’d like to nominate Rininta Ayu Pradhani (Mbak Ninta) Dean's Office senior Officer as a Binusian Most Helpful & Supportive.

Joining B-FIT 2018 @JWC Campus - Zumba every Wednesday gave me such a crystal clear reason to support Mbak Ninta. Her genuine act and consistency really deserve to get the spotlight. So please accept, record my vote, and let her be Binusian Most Helpful & Supportive.

You can see below picture for our Zumba activity, that only happened because of her noble work
For greater good, she is willing to do all the work, contacting the instructure, managing room availibility, and keeping up the peers spirit to keep the Zumba every SINGLE WEEK! Which i know its not an easy task, especially in between her duty as Dean's Office senior Officer. Mbak Ninta is undeniably charming, talkative, have extensive network, full of positive energy, lovely and easy to cooperate and im pretty sure Mbak Ninta is on board on this quest.

Nominated for "BINUSIAN MOST HELPFUL & SUPPORTIVE" by 1 Binusian.

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