Cited from from Cinderella (2015) “Be kind and have courage”, here i am inspired by the quotes and extended the thoughts of my surrounding about my appearance.
At first i felt so amused by my Binusian peers that were willing to nominate me as Binusian Best Apperance. But i was beyond SHOCK (in a good way) that they created polling and testimoni through google docs, spread it out, and sent me the result.
So after realizing how supportive my surrounding about this, it really encourages me to be on board on this quest as a candidate of Binusian Best Appearance - Family Gathering 2018.
“Style is extention of who you are as individuals - the way i dress always tells a story
So here i am, wanting to tell everyone be yourself and tell a story each and every day”
❤ fashionfreedom
Here is some captured moment of testimoni that trully moved my heart!
I meet Kak Mita almost every day from Monday to Sunday, and I always amazed and love the way she dressed and put her make up combine with her kind and lovely personality she is just “fantastic”
Here some of picture her appearance at work, arent the gorgeous ?
Here some of picture her appearance at work, arent the gorgeous ?
Working side by side with her gave me such a crystal clear reason to support her as her personality and look really deserve to get the spotlight. So please accept, record my vote, and let her be!
Mita adalah sosok teman sekaligus rekan kerja yang cheerfull, baik dan ramah. Penampilannya sehari-hari (grooming) juga selalu rapih, kekinian dan cantik. Disamping itu, Mita juga sangat aktif dalam membantu acara-acara sebagai MC di lingkungan JWC.
Pada tahun lalu,
Mita sempat kehilangan calon bayinya yang berusia 7 bulan dalam kandungan.
Hal itu tetap dihadapi Mita dengan tabah, berbesar hati dan selalu cheerful.
Saya berharap Mita bisa menang, karena bisa menjadi penghibur bagi Mita,
Pada tahun lalu,
Mita sempat kehilangan calon bayinya yang berusia 7 bulan dalam kandungan.
Hal itu tetap dihadapi Mita dengan tabah, berbesar hati dan selalu cheerful.
Saya berharap Mita bisa menang, karena bisa menjadi penghibur bagi Mita,
she’s deserves it!
She always looks stylish, dressed properly (in a good looking way) for every situation, and on top of that, she’s also very friendly to every people.
Because of her sense of style is marvelous. She always looks gorgeous from head to toe. Her appearance combined with her cheerfulness and warm personalities is the reason why she deserve to become ”Binusian Best Appearance”..
Selain baik hati dan ramah, dia juga sangat kooperatif dalam pekerjaan. Beberapa kegiatan di JWC yg tidak berkaitan dengan pekerjaan pun dia selalu aktif. Selain itu setiap hari tampilannya selalu menarik, kalau bahasa gaulnya dia selalu kelihatan CETAR setiap hari…enak dilihat lahhh…jago banget mix and match, di JWC dia jadi panutan dunia per MAKE UP an…karena juga jago MAKE UP
Banyak banget foto foto yang menarik, tapi saya pilih 2 ini ajaaa…semoga MITA bisa menaaanggg.
Mba Mita sebagai seorang marketing selalu berusaha tampil maksimal untuk memberikan kesan yang positif untuk Binus di mata klien. Perpaduan gaya dan warna yang digunakan selalu membuat dia tampil representative di setiap kesempatan. Mba mita juga selalu uptodate soal gaya kekinian. Satu kata yang menggambarkannya, She’s really cool.
My vote for her, 100%.
My vote for her, 100%.